From the fast travel point, head straight forward to find the extra life on top of a gunk covered pillar. To reach it, just before the column turn right and proceed to the room at the end with a gunk covered pillar. Use the gold spin bar on the pillar to reach the second level. Look for a crack in the wall then melee the wall to reveal the extra life. Use double jump and dash to reach the extra life.
From the fast travel point, head straight up the stairs and take a left through the doorway followed by a right to enter a room with a lift pad in the middle of it. Head through the first doorway on the left side followed by another left. Climb up the metal crate there to reach the vent shaft. Climb to the top to reach a platform overlooking the lift pad. Jump/dash to the lift pad then aim for the gold spin bar. You will need to dash through the crack in the wall above the spin bar to reach the extra life.
Top Spin 4 Pc Crack Games Culling
From the fast travel point, turn around and head through the door on the left side of the building. This will bring you to a ledge overlooking the giant beam. Look immediately to the right side on the outside of the building just before the first gold spin bar to find a cracked wall. Dash through the wall to find the hidden area containing the extra life. 2ff7e9595c